The Be Fluent Podcast - Episode 10 - Mindfulness (Vocabulary)


This week's theme: Mindfulness! (w/ Ruth Mortimer)

The Vocabulary Section! More vocabulary to prep listeners for the next episode's interview about mindfulness & taking time for yourself to reflect!

Conservation: this comes from the word—> conserve—> to keep or to save or protect

To run: to be in charge of something

If one were to join one of your sessions: used when asking someone for an example or more detail

How does one....: how can I …. how can someone….

Wildlife: wild animals or nature

Take part in: to join something

Anxieties: stress

Awakening of the senses: when your smell, taste, touch and inner feelings are more sensitive and you start to feeling them more!

Be meant to: this is kind of like be supposed to

Give something a go: to try something

Put something into perspective: to look at your life or a situation and try to look at from he outside

Be Fluent NYC